Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller # Chapter 4


The Story of My Life: Chapter 4

About this Chapter

In this chapter, we come to know the importance of a sensitive and honest  teacher in a student’s life. Miss Sullivan plays a very important role in Helen’s life.  Helen also describes at the beginning of this chapter as to how her life was full of darkness and then her teacher brought hope and light in her life.

Helen Keller’s Most Important Day

This begins with Helen Keller’s assertion (claim) that the most important day of her life was the one on which her teacher Miss Sullivan came to teach her. She was full of wonder to think about the broad and immeasurable gap that existed between Miss Sullivan and her and in a way that connected both of them.     The day on which her teacher arrived was March 3, 1887, when she was going to become of 7 years after three months. Here, we come to know as to how she was hopeful of someone’s arrival in the house.

 She could understand it beforehand by the special kinds of movements of her mother. She was moving to and fro. Therefore Helen went to the door before time. She stood at the steps and waited for someone to come. She stood on the porch quietly and hopefully.

In the next passage, Helen  Keller writes as to how she was hopeful of somebody’s arrival in the house. She had felt some special kind of movements there. She had also felt as to how her mother was moving to and fro in the house. So she went to the door and waited on the steps. On that eventful (important) day, she stood on the porch, quiet and expectant (eager, hopeful). Now she describes how the sunrays were penetrating (entering) through the branches of the honeysuckle that covered the whole porch and also falling on her upturned face.

She was also touching unconsciously (without any intention) the leaves and flowers of the vine with a continuous soft touch and it seemed to her that those flowers had blossomed to welcome the sweet southern spring.   The leaves and flowers were familiar to her because she used to come there and touched them softly. She was not clear or certain about her future at that time, whether it would be surprising for her or not.

Uncertain About Her Future

 She was, perhaps, uncertain about her future because she had been a prey (victim) to anger and bitterness so far continually for weeks. As a result of that, a languor (a pleasant state of being lazy and without energy) followed that intense struggle.

In the next passage, Helen uses a simile to prove how she felt miserable in the world of darkness, where there was no hope of coming into the world of knowledge and brightness.  She compares herself to a ship that is surrounded by dense white fog and has lost its way to reach the shore.   It follows a sound line that  comes from a distance (It may be the sound of a foghorn set up at some lighthouse at the sea-shore), moves to plummet (to fall suddenly from high position) without having knowledge of the hidden dangers on the way and waiting for something unfortunate to happen.

 The same situation was faced by Helen in her life. Her condition was like that of the ship described above before her education began. The difference was that she was without any compass and sounding-line and she had no means to know how near she was from her harbor (Here it means destination).   Her soul’s cry was to provide her with the light of love and knowledge and the light of love was shown on her that very hour.

Miss Sullivan’s Arrival

After some time, she felt someone’s approaching footsteps. She stretched her arm as she had thought it to be her mother. Her arm was taken by someone who made her stand and then held in her arms. It was Miss Sullivan, who had come to reveal all the things and above them all to love her.

That very morning her teacher led her to her room and gave a doll. It was a gift sent to her by the little blind children who studied at Perkins and Laura Bridgman and had dressed it. But it was later on when she came to much about the doll.

Education Begins

She played for some time with the doll and the teacher spelled the letters ‘d-o-l-l” on her palm of her hand. She thought it a finger play and took an interest at once in it.

 She imitated the activity and when she was successful in imitating the letters, she was full of excitement and felt childish pleasure and pride in it. After that, she ran down quickly to her mother and spelled the letters for the doll on her own hand.

At that time, she did not know that the word ‘doll’ existed. She was just imitating the word in a playful way. In the following days, she learned to spell in this way that she could not understand at that time several words.

These were: pin, hat, cup, and some verbs like sit stand, and walk. She had understood before the arrival of her teacher that everything had a name.

 One day when she was busy playing with her new doll, her teacher Miss Sullivan put in her lap the old big rag doll. She also spelled “d-o-l-l” and tried to make her understand that the word ‘doll’ applied to both of them.

Earlier, in the, they had a tussle over the words ‘water’ and ‘mug’. Miss Sullivan was trying hard to make her understand that those were two separate words, but Helen was bent on (determined) confusing both the words standing for the same meaning.

    Her teacher had dropped the topic at that time for the time being. Now, when she picked up the same topic of making her understand the difference between the two words, Helen became impatient (easily annoyed).

Helen’s Rage

 She seized (to take something quickly) the new doll and dashed (hit with force) it on the floor. She enjoyed a strange type of delight when she felt at her feet the broken pieces of the doll lying scattered on the floor.

She felt neither sorrow nor regret at the violent acts done by her. She did not love the doll. She says that she lived in a dark world that was disappointing and hopeless for her and there was no place for soft feelings like tenderness in that world.

  She felt that her teacher was sweeping the fragments (small pieces) of the doll to one side of the hearth. In a way she had some satisfaction at that act as the cause of her discomfort had been removed.

After that, her teacher brought a hat for her and she at once understood that was being taken outside in the warm sunshine. It made her hop (jump) and skip with pleasure.

 They walked towards the well-house that was covered with the honeysuckle spreading the sweet and attractive fragrance. Someone was drawing water and her teacher placed her hand under the pipe from which the cold water was coming out. As the cool water fell over her hand, Miss Sullivan spelled the word ‘water’, first in a slow manner and then fast.

  She stood motionless and her whole attention was on the motions of her teacher’s fingers. After that, she had some gradual understanding that ‘w-a-t-e-r’ meant wonderfully cool, something that was flowing over her hand.

She learned many new words that day. She remembered some of them that were: mother, father, sister, teacher, etc. These were the words that were going to fill her life with happiness. She was a happier child when she lay in her small cot and for the first time she longed for the new day to arrive.  She understood that the word ‘w-a-t-e-r’ was a reality. It awakened her soul and gave it some light, hope, joy and in a way set it free from the barriers of the darkness that still prevailed in her mind.

Her Eagerness to Learn More

She was full of eagerness to learn more when they left the well. She had come to know that everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought in her mind. While coming back home, every object that she touched seemed filled with life to her. She also remembered the doll she had broken as she entered the door.

 She picked up the broken pieces and tried in vain to rejoin them. Then her eyes were filled with tears and for the first time she felt repentance and sorrow for the wrong she had committed.

   Chapter 4 Ends up!  
































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